Privacy statement

Who we are, contact details

LES CHIS, with registered office located at Winkelstraat 61, 9550 Steenhuize-Wijnhuize (Belgium), registered in the company register of Belgium under the company number BE 0647.865.077. This company is the data controller in relation to the data you provide us with through your visit to our website or any other relation we might have.

We are available for all your questions in relation to data privacy or this privacy statement through the following communication channels: e-mail:


This privacy statement applies to our website and to all (commercial) relations between us and our customers, prospects and business partners.

This privacy statement may be amended from time to time, such as in the context of changes to the services or to the existing legislation. Unless expressly protested in writing, the updated terms and conditions will enter into force after 30 days following their publication on the website. In case of important changes, we will inform you personally, if reasonably possible.

Personal Data

We always strive to act in accordance with the 2016/680 EU Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR), as well as any other relevant legislation related to the protection of personal data (amongst others the Belgian Data Privacy Act of 30 July 2018).

This privacy statement contains, amongst others, information on the personal data we collect, as well as the way in which we use and process these personal data.

Purposes of the processing

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • The creation of an account and its confirmation
  • The performance of any agreement with us
  • Any request for information, samples and/or quotation
  • Providing the services and support
  • The sending of marketing and advertising, updates and promotional offers according to your communications preferences. We give you full control over the use of your data for advertising purposes. If you do not want your data to be used for these purposes, you can always change this both via notification as well as through your cookie settings.
  • Sending invoices and collecting payments
  • Optimizing the quality, management and content of the website
  • Conducting customer satisfaction research and/or surveys and other market research
  • To improve our service so that the services, where possible, can be tailored to users’ needs
  • For the protection of our legitimate interests
  • To inform you about our services and products
  • To comply with our legal obligations.

Categories of personal data

We may collect the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Given name
  • Address
  • Delivery address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number (landline/mobile)
  • Company name
  • Financial information (details of credit card, account number, payments, refunds)
  • Information in relation to purchase and delivery of products and services


Our website and/or service does not intend to collect information about website visitors under the age of 13, unless they have permission from their parents or guardian or in the event we are obligated to do so in order to fulfil our legal obligations. However, we cannot verify whether a visitor to the website is over 13 years of age. We therefore advise parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent the collection of data about children without parental consent.

If you believe we that we have collected personal data concerning a minor without the abovementioned consent, please contact us (see contact details).

Customer profile

We collect information about the (online) services you use and how you use them. We also collect information on your previous orders. In this way we can adapt our services to your needs and interests, and better understand how our services are being used. In particular, this is about:

  • Log file data, such as an IP address, the date and time of your request, browser, etc.
  • Device information, such as IP address, brand, type and operating system of your device, location. We use, amongst other things, cookies and similar technologies. For more information, please visit the cookie policy section.
  • Recommendations and personalization: we may use your personal information to recommend features, products, and services that might be of interest to you, identify your preferences and personalize your customer experience.

You always have the right to provide your objections with regard to this customer profile through the above-mentioned contact channels. If you so wish, both the decision as well as your objections may be discussed.

How do we collect your personal data?

Your personal data will be collected in the following events:

  • Creation of an account
  • The performance of the agreement with us
  • Visit of the website
  • Subscribing to the newsletter
  • Attendance to events/pop ups
  • Correspondence with us
  • Any request for offer or quotation
  • The exchange of business cards

The personal data we collect are thus provided by you explicitly and voluntarily. For the collection of personal data, we use both paper and digital documents and forms.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties, unless it is necessary to provide our services or when we are legally obliged to do so (by law or in the context of a present or future legal procedure, as well as to safeguard and defend our rights).

We conclude a data processing agreement with any companies/persons who collect personal data on our behalf in order to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality in our data.

Storage of personal data

Unless if a longer retention period is required or justified by law or by compliance with another legal obligation, we store your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve and fulfil the described purposes.

What are the legal bases for the processing of the personal data?

In principle, we collect your personal data on the basis of the contractual relationship we have with you as a result of your order. Where processing is not necessary to carry out the contractual relationship, as in the case of direct marketing, it is based on our legitimate interests as a company, in particular our freedom of enterprise and freedom of information. In doing so, we always ensure that there is a balance between your interests and ours, for example by granting you a right of opposition.

Your privacy rights

Within the framework of the GDPR, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

  • Right of access to personal data
  • Right to rectification, completion or update of your personal data
  • Right to the erasure of your personal data
  • A right to have the processing of your personal data restricted
  • A right of portability of personal data, i.e. a right to have your data provided to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form
  • A right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • Functional (or essential) and analytical cookies: these are necessary for the technical functioning of the website and for your ease of use. They ensure that the website functions as required and remember, for example, your preferences. They also enable OPC to improve the visitor experience of the website.
  • Performance Analysis Cookies: We use Performance Analysis cookies to gather general information on the way in which users make use of our online services. Statistical analyses can be made of the information gathered this way.
  • Social Media Cookies: Our online services may contain so-called embedded elements of third parties. This may be content that is stored with another party, but which is shown on, in or via our online services. In addition, we may share content on our online services via buttons shared through social media.
  • Personalization cookies: We may also use cookies that allow us to make more targeted recommendations based on your use of our social media services.
  • Other cookies: This category contains cookies that cannot be placed in any of the other categories of cookies. An example of this are cookies which can be enabled to make your own web analyses and to optimize websites. Next to the abovementioned performance analysis cookies, other web analytical cookies may be used. These cookies can be turned off, because they potentially process personal data. This is not the case with the above-mentioned performance analysis cookies.

You can principally exercise these rights free of charge via the above-mentioned contact. In order to ensure that the request for access is done by you, we may ask that you enclose a copy of your personal identification document with your request. In the event of repeated requests for access or requests concerning a large amount of data, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the administrative costs involved in handling the request.

Please bear in mind that we are not always obliged to comply with every request for the exercise of your rights, this due to our legal obligations, for reasons of public interests (preservation, statistical analysis, scientific or historical research), for the institution, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim or the justified exercise of our freedom of enterprise and/or our freedom of information.

We shall submit any possible abuses of your privacy to the Data Protection Authority for their opinion and/or, if necessary, mediation.

Security of personal data

We undertake to take reasonable physical, technological and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data as well as the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal data.

Other websites

Our website contains hyperlinks to other websites. Where applicable, we refer to the privacy policy of these suppliers.


In case of complaints about how we handle your personal data, you have the possibility to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority. This is possible via the following contact details:

Data Protection Authority

Drukpersstraat/Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)

Tel.: +32 (0)2 274 48 00


Cookie policy

We make use of cookies in order to improve your web-surfing experience on our website.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone upon first visit. There are permanent cookies and session-bound cookies.

The cookies we use are:

When you first visit our website, you will have the opportunity to set which cookies you do and do not accept. Of course, you can unsubscribe from cookies at any time by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies or by changing the cookie settings. The refusal to accept such data may have consequences for the user experience of the website, but has no further impact on the services and functions that are offered.

In addition, you can also delete any information previously stored through the settings of your browser.

For cookies placed by third parties, we refer to the statements these parties provide on their respective websites.